Tuesday, September 15, 2009

~ No Mountain Is Too High For Us To Climb ~

So I finally found the time to unveil the force behind Writum...

The unveiling of course, happens while we mark the significant event of OFFICIALLY completing 200 projects since Writum started off in August 2007... Note the word 'officially' haha! That means we have in effect have completed nearly 235 projects so far - that have not been counted, officially.

I will not go in to detail about our STARS who shine with their own bright light. Looking at the talent on board - I would not stop writing for days if I start...

So to briefly say a Holla out to everyone...

Dinush ZEE - Our expert toastmaster on board with an engineering background plus superb writing skills...not to mention the ballroom dancing skills ;) of whom we are still trying to figure out the 'ZEE' part to the name :D

Sue (AKA Sureshni)- Our bride to-be whose dedication to work cannot be expressed in mere words. We miss having you around these days...but hope you will be back soon enough as a Mrs :) hehe

Dilrukshi - Our Miss. busy who works around the clock and who writes with such professional flair to knock all our customers out.

Jeevs (AKA Sanjeewa) - Our 'On-Stage' star who works dedicatedly while, multitasking around....

Mudith - The serious and the professional one around - does not talk too much but when it comes to writing - his whole soul comes out :)

Divs (AKA Divya) - The lady who's currently absorbed in newspapers out of no choice... Although we don't see her at Writum regularly nowadays, if you ever run in to her, you are surely seeing immense talent!

Hasi (AKA Haseena) - Our aspiring lawyer, with a knack for writing and manipulating words that pierce through the heart...

Shehani - Our superstar look-alike who writes with a flow that can move mountains... (yup! and she will kill me for that superstar lookalike part)

Mariam - Here's the diva that dances with words... if you ever read one of her pieces, you'll choke to death for she just steals your breath away!

D (AKA Dinasha) - The one who's currently in a pssionate relationship with Writum and for that matter, who's been in romantic relationship with words forever - soon to become our exclusive proofreader and editor ~

Nilanka - The tech geek on board (officially carrying the title "Consultant" at Writum) who'd write on anything from Artificial intelligence to rocket science, if needed. Also, soon to become one of our "Executive Directors" :)

Then we've got our new comers

Nipuna - An aspiring engineer, full of energy, taking time off to enthusiastically explore new avenues in life through writing..

Hansini - A psychology major - (enough said?? *wink*) putting her heart and soul in to writing

Nabila - Our miss. cute smile :) who's happy go lucky with her chirpy personality that brings life to words with her works of wonder with literature.

The remaining 02 new comers are currently lying in our 007 folder - so they will be revealed in due course...

Before we wrap up... It's only fair to mention former members of Writum who's put their heart and soul in to the work they did.

Chaminda - The most tech savviest (is that a real word?) 50 something yr old I've ever come across in my life whosE writing skills just leaves me shocked all the time ~

Sanjeev - Not only a top class opera singer but a top class technical writer whose professional approach to work is unfathomable.

Chamathka - The little sister on the team who took pleasure in writing during vacation; currently pursuing her higher studies in the U.S of A

Sunesh - Our local talent on the screen with such flair for language and creativity in both writing and reporting :)

and lastly but not in the very least our dear doctor dude - Vino - who went over and above his profession of being a MD to explore horizons with writing.

Writum stands strong today because you keep it (or kept it alive) in your heart and soul... so here goes THREE CHEERS to a virtual family that does wonders with words!

Visit our team profile at


for more inside scoop!!!

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