We are in the
process of recruiting more freelance writers for our team.
A common question on everybody's mind is what it takes to be successful at Writum...
The concept of freelance writing may not be new to Sri Lanka arena, but 'work from home freelance writing' for a company sure is!... That is where Writum invokes the curious minds. So here's a list of basic requirements and expectations from us here at Writum.
* All our projects are based on our second language; English - However, majority of our clients are Native English speakers. Therefore, unless you have competitive English language skills to match up to a Native English speaker, you are unlikely to be successful in working for Writum.
* Knowing how to use your freedom productively and managing your time efficiently are two utmost pre-requisites when it comes to writing at Writum. We allocate a fair deadline for projects to be completed and it is up to you to complete the project within the said time frame. Where you work, how you work and at what time you work are of little concern to us as we count on you to complete the work as scheduled.
* Commitment to work is a virtue that every Writum team member should posess. Let's admit it! It's no easy task to be seated at one place producing articles, one after the other, while chasing a deadline. However, if you are committed and if you have the determination that is required to get the job done, you will most certainly succeed at Writum!
* Creativity is another treasured trait that we welcome at Writum. You may be given topics that you know really well of or that you know little or nothing of. But if you are able to blend in with the information that you find on the web through research, in order to produce a creative piece of writing, then you will come out as a winner!
* Respect for Originality is something that we are dead serious about. If you take pleasure in finding the easy way out such as cutting and pasting content from the internet, then you should forget about joining Writum.
So as you can understand from the above pointers, it takes a self motivated individual to become successful at Writum. Why do you think we say that self-motivation is important?
Our baseline perceptions of a j0b, be it full time or part time, is naturally based on the perception of getting dressed as professionally as possible, getting to an office and working till 9am to 5pm.
But here at Writum, we have saved you the trouble of having to wake up early in the morning, sleep walking until you get dressed up and then being caught up at endless traffic jams until you get to our office. Instead, you've got the luxury of staying at home and delivering your write-ups via email. However, since staying at home is usually associated with relaxation and doing things at ease, it takes a self motivated individual to work efficiently for a company from home.
So ask yourself if you've got what it takes to become successful at Writum before you post that resume!.... :)
If you do, here's the email address to send your resume over:
get.hired@writum.com - dont forget to attach a sample writing of not more than 500 words as well.